Summit Kickoff: What is a Modern SC?
with James Kaikis and Mattie Stremic
Join James Kaikis, Co-founder of the PreSales Collective, and Mattie Stremic, Head of Academy at the PreSales Collective & Academy to unpack the skills needed to level yourself up in 2023! We discuss awareness around the changing buying environment, the importance of social selling, and how to deal with an uncertain climate in tech.

Session 1: Imposter Syndrome Workshop
With Hannah Bloking, Allison Macalik, Wayne Brown, Patty Hager, Tamara Richards and Jay Mulakala
Join workshop leaders Hannah Bloking (AWS) and Allison Macalik (Salesforce) for this special opportunity to discuss Imposter Syndrome and learn actionable tips + tricks to not let it get in your way.

Session 2: Emotional Intelligence for the SC
With Kathleen Kuczma, Jessica Ashwood, Paul Harris and Nikhil Sarma
SC’s have to master a variety of skills in order to successfully impact the buyer experience. Perhaps the most important skill in your SC toolbox… Emotional intelligence. Emotional intelligence refers to the ability to understand and regulate your own emotions while also being able to recognize and adapt to the emotions of those around you.
As an emotionally intelligent SC, you can harness the power of your empathy and social awareness to connect with customers on a deeper level and get to the root of their pains and frustrations. In doing this, you can better frame your products to solve the buyers' challenges. Bringing more emotional intelligence into your role as an SC creates the trust and rapport that potential customers are looking for, and can be the tipping point for choosing you over a competitor.

SESSION 3: The Challenge for Authenticity
With John Cook
During this session, we unpack the dilemmas of today’s buying environment that is demanding more of you as the SC, and uncover how we can address this issue head-on.

Session 4: The Critical First Conversation: Set Your Customers Up for Success
With Carly Whitaker, Matt Arnold, Karsten Chearis and Kristen Jackson
Tune into this session to unpack tangible skills and learn best practices to better optimize your relationship and in turn, close more deals.

Summit Closing: Reflection on SC excellence
With Cortney Zamm
Closing our Modern SC Summit is Cortney Zamm, PreSales Leader, longtime community contributor and PSLC Advisory Board member. After more than a decade of experience as an IC and Manager, Cortney will reflect on her career, the changes she has not noticed in the profession, and how she thinks SC’s can manage through 2023 with success.