
The Diversity, Equity, Equality & Inclusion Advisory Council (DEEI) purpose is to develop and nurture a community where all of our members can realize a pathway to reach their full potential within the PreSales Community.

We believe there is no Supremacy over any other!

This council recognizes the cruelty of chattel slavery, the many decades of racial apartheid, mass incarceration, present-day social injustices, gender biases and racism that remain present within our nation, and across the world.
We embrace the rich and diverse perspectives, experiences that arise from racial, ethnic, socio-economic, sexual, gender and religious diversity within our community.

This group will provide the resources necessary to promote equal access and opportunity for all, in order to achieve a more inclusive society, and we advocate for policies that promote diversity, equity, equality and inclusion in the workforce.

Our goal is a witness of love and justice to empower all members of our community in order to remove barriers caused by social injustice, discrimination,  inequality, and racial trauma.

We are committed to engaging the many voices of our community to promote equality, equity and compassion for all.

Join ourDEEI Slack Channel #topic-diversity_equity_equality_inclusion

Who should take part in DEEI?

YOU!We're made up of allies and core members and we welcome anyone who is dedicated to promoting our values and helping us execute our measures.

2023 State of Diversity Survey Report

     The 2023 State of Diversity in PreSales report is designed as a guide for employers and employees to help deepen the effectiveness of their work and build a more inclusive culture that will attract and retain all PreSales professionals.      
Download the 2023 Report

Creating Thriving Environments for Diverse Talent in PreSales

​​Everyone plays a role in creating a healthy work environment. “Cultural competency”, “safe spaces”, and “healthy work environment” are buzzwords in today’s work culture. But what does it actually mean to have and create environments where employees can truly thrive?
In this webinar, we discuss the changes we can make to ensure our place of work is fitting for all PreSales talent so our best work can be done.​ Let's continue the dialogue around practices to continue the necessary work of DEEI in the PreSales field.
Watch Now

Why Inclusivity Matters for Closing Business

Does your PreSales team have the skills to include everyone in the room? Many of us use language, images, and gestures without knowing they may be offensive. This leads to lost deals and attrition, but because this is a sensitive issue, many people won’t discuss it. In this webinar, we will discuss:
- How our panel has navigated internal cultural challenges
- The ways communication can be impacted by bias, unconscious or otherwise
- How presentation decks can reinforce stereotypes, or potentially exclude audience members such as women, people of color, those in the LGBTQIA+ community, or others
Watch Now

Have further questions or other thoughts and ideas?

If you have any questions about our projects and/or are looking to specifically contribute to these efforts, please email shawna.james@presalescollective.com who will be happy to reach out to you to take the next steps!

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