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Solutions Engineer - Warehouse Design

$70k - $130k
Dallas-Fort Worth Metroplex
Remote 🌴
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🔴 Closes on: 
Nov 16

Job Overview  

Maveneer is an engineering firm that specializes in the design and implementation of distribution centers and manufacturing operations, as well as creating custom equipment solutions. We are a rapidly growing startup founded by industry leaders in engineering, automation, material handling systems and operations leadership.

We are looking for exceptionally talented, high-integrity individuals who want to be part of a team that does great work, supports one another, and provides an environment that allows individuals to work to their fullest potential. This enterprise requires individuals who are multidimensional. We are not looking for subject matter experts in one field, we are looking for versatile candidates who can wear many hats at many levels. Top candidates are excellent communicators, skilled at math modelling and analysis, and comfortable interacting with people at all levels of an organization, from the entry-level employees to CEOs. Maveneers constantly strive to learn more, enjoy self-teaching and teaching others. When faced with a task they don’t know how to accomplish, their first instinct is to learn how to do it, rather than seeking someone else to do it for them. Although individuals with these abilities are rare, they are exactly the type who comprise our company and enable us to thrive. Our people are our product. Our ability to form a group of individuals with these exceptional abilities allows us to achieve outsized impact, and to do so at extraordinary speed.

If interested in applying to join our team, please send an email to explaining your interest in Maveneer. Note we are not providing sponsorship at this time


Our culture is the lifeblood of our company. Most people are familiar with the 80/20 principle. One application of that principle is that 20% of the people in an organization typically provide over 80% of the value. We are a company comprised entirely of those 20%. If you’re not exceptional, a polymath, an engineering unicorn, then this probably is not the right organization for you. But if you are, we might be exactly what you’re looking for.

Do NOT apply if:  

  • You are not courageous. Nobody will have to run into burning buildings, but effective Maveneers must have the situational courage to speak hard truths, be comfortable holding an unpopular opinion, and know how to handle hard lines of inquiry without deflecting blame or responsibility to others.  
  • You believe that standard corporate organization and meeting culture is highly effective.  
  • You don’t think you have the ability to make or break every decision, interaction, and project you contribute to. We need people who are writing the script, not passively watching the movie of life pass them by.  
  • You think ‘my word is my bond’ is a quaint notion that has no place in modern business  
  • You are inclined to bullshit or overcomplicate your verbal responses in an attempt to hide the fact you don’t really know the answer to a question or to attempt to seem smart by spouting off jargon.  
  • You thinking lying or being deliberately deceptive is ever acceptable  
  • You think being ‘uncomfortable’ is a satisfactory reason not to do something, rather than believing that being appropriately uncomfortable is how most growth occurs.  
  • You are willing to undermine others to gain an advantage.  
  • You are quick to form opinions, especially without knowing all the facts.  
  • You do not know and respect someone who voted for a different political party candidate than you did in the last election.  
  • Your neighbors were being loud late at night, you would call the cops instead of going and talking to them directly.  
  • You dislike having your thinking challenged and avoid debate.  
  • You are looking to do a year or two to build your skills and then go work somewhere else  
  • You think it is okay to sell a product that a client does not really need because it would benefit you or your company  
  • You are unwilling to have difficult conversations regarding information that the other party may not want to hear. Nor should you delight in making conversations any more uncomfortable than they need to be.  
  • You are easily offended. Or can be offended at all.  
  • You care as much about your job title as you do the work content of your job  
  • You are tolerant of failure or mediocrity  

If any of these reasons to not apply are off-putting to you, then please do not apply

Essential Character Traits:  


  • Is unflinchingly honest with others and oneself, while being tactful  
  • Believes and lives by the principle of ‘my word is my bond’  
  • Brings up points of conflict and disagreement immediately, even if it is with the CEO of the company  

Charitable towards others  

  • Gives others the benefit of the doubt, but always double checks important work  
  • Offers help whenever possible, even when not convenient  
  • Presumes that there is always more that can be done to help  
  • Willingly works outside of their title or job description  


  • Possesses a ‘team first’ attitude. Prioritizes ‘We’ over ‘I’  
  • Would prefer to be less noticeable on a superior team than be a standout in an organization that performs poorly  
  • Sense of self, and of others, has nothing to do with job titles  
  • Lives the phrase ‘It's amazing what you can accomplish when you don’t care who gets the credit’  
  • Finds social media to generally be a cesspool of self absorption, vanity, and superficial ambition  

High Achiever  

  • Constantly seeking to improve one’s knowledge, character, and work quality  
  • Is an autodidact, constantly curious, and a voracious learner  
  • Is open to constructive feedback  
  • Is willing to coach others and invest time to make them better  
  • Likely excelled at sports, academics, music, or some combination  
  • Believes that every problem is solvable, if one is clever enough in their approach  
  • Is constantly questioning ‘how could this be better’, especially of their own work  

Sense of Humor and Humility  

  • Doesn’t take oneself too seriously  
  • Great to have a beer with, but not an IPA. When will that fad finally die.  
  • Seeks to have their work reviewed  
  • Can not be easily offended. Gives others the benefit of the doubt  
  • Recognizes that mistakes happen, but doesn’t make excuses for them  

Intelligence and Efficiency  

  • Highly intelligent and capable of developing plans for solving complex problems  
  • Extraordinarily creative. Finds solutions that often elude others  
  • Prefers to do the work required to understand a problem rather than opine about reasons the work is avoidable or just assuming a solution  
  • Has trouble sleeping when a problem is yet to be solved  
  • Able to do back of the envelope calculations to solve problems at a high level  
  • Can be extraordinarily detailed and high level; knows exactly what level of analytical resolution is required for the problem at hand  
  • Can distill complex problems into simple, elegant solutions and explain them to a child  
  • Is efficient in the use of their time and others’ time. Self directed.  
  • Completes tasks quickly  

Required Skillsets:  

Project Leadership  

  • Able to provide guidance to internal design team through design exploration, analytical processes, and content development  
  • Understands the internal and external resource requirements to successfully complete a project and obtain client alignment  
  • Risk Management: ability to foresee most of the roadblocks ahead, tactfully call them to attention, and develop plans to break down barriers to project success.  
  • Business Development: ability to translate client requests into opportunities for future engagements  
  • Leads the client to their actual needs based on analysis, rather than what they initially request or what the organization may prefer to sell  

Relationship Building  

  • Cultivates meaningful relationships with both internal and external stakeholders  
  • Authentic in presenting themselves and Maveneer without pretense or exaggeration  
  • Values relationships over short-term transactions  
  • Avoids burning bridges even in the face of rejection or setback  

Presentation Skills  

  • Presentation Creation: ability to develop compelling and memorable presentation materials to support narrative  
  • Problem Explanation: ability to distill complex problems and ambiguous solutions into simple graphics and talking points  
  • Can jump from presenting at a high level (100,000 ft view) to exceptional detail (1 inch view) and everywhere in between  
  • Understands that the process of creation is what refines thinking and narrative coherence. Overproduces and then pares down  
  • Verbal Communication: ability to lead clients in conversation, presenting information, and directing the discussion to elicit necessary information  

Data Analysis  

  • Expert level knowledge of Excel  
  • Able to present data in a clear and concise manner and distill salient aspects of data into relevant graphics  
  • Experienced in data exploration and uncovering relevant insights.  

Design Skills  

  • Creative, prolific, and has an eye for detail  
  • Able to document, describe and understand complex processes  
  • Thinks creatively about alternate ways objectives can be accomplished  
  • Analyzes ideas quantitatively and identifies the best candidate of a larger set  
  • Attention to detail in typography, color, and layout  
  • Does not assume constraints or requirements that aren’t explicitly part of the problem statement  


A bachelor’s degree and/or compelling work experience in an engineering, operational, technical, or business field is preferred.



  • Generous compensation and bonuses based on individual and company achievement  
  • Flexible work schedule  
  • Remote work location (within driving distance of an airport)  
  • Unlimited paid time off (must be approved by management and reconcile with project commitments)  
  • Health, dental, and vision insurance  
  • Employer sponsored 401k  
  • Life/AD&D Insurance
Apply Now
🔴 Closes on: 
Nov 16
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